Monday, April 17, 2017


Ted Talk

After a week of stress preparing for the Ted Talk, it is finally over, and I thought I did a pretty good job. I was able to demonstrate my progress over these 6 weeks, and ultimately present what I learned during these 6 weeks. As I delved further and further into the world of jazz, I suddenly realized my own inadequacy as a musician. As I realized how bad I was, I motivated myself to become better thorough practice.

Progress Update
The Genius Project has finally come to an end with the Ted Talk, and I am feeling a variety of mixed emotions. I am relieved that the project is over and that I don't need to worry about the grade, but this project was something I put a lot of effort in and now it is ending. It was a project that allowed us to express ourselves in any way we wanted. It was the ultimate form of freedom. 

Looking back I made a lot of progress during these 6 weeks. After practicing chords, researching, music theory, listening to solos, I was finally to improvise, at least on a very basic level, over chord changes. Although I am still not that good, I have definitely become better, and I am noticing a difference when I am playing in the jazz band, and in my very own quintet.
It was a long Journey
As I write this final blog post for the project, I am feeling pretty depressed. These 6 weeks were some of the greatest improvements I have made in improvisation, and I am afraid that this improvement might slow down after this project ends. So far I have still been practicing regularly, but I don't know how long it will last. So I am thinking of maybe continuing these blogs. Maybe not as frequent, but I feel it is a way to force me to practice and continually demonstrate my progress as a jazz musician. Although I am still far from being the next Charlie Parker, I can still dream.